
Showing posts from May, 2022

Tuesday May 31

 We started our day with arrival centers.  We looked at the number 10 and used blocks to show  how many ways we can make 10. We wrote out our thinking using addition sentences and noticed a pattern when we saw all the ways to make 10. Ask your child what they noticed. We continued to create our plasticine ocean creatures. While some of our friends did clay creations, the other groups of children played math games and did free choice writing in our journals. We will be rotating over the next few days for everyone to have a chance to get their plasticine ocean creatures made. We are creating an ocean scene for the animals we have learned.  AM kindergarten and Mr. Campbell's class had music. Mrs. Mask's PM class had gym. We had centers. PM Kindergarten had a visit from Miss Wauthier's  Grade 1/2 class to present their reader's theatre on the Wild Robot. AM Kindergarten will get to see the performances tomorrow morning. We were so impressed at the Grade 1/2's reading an

Monday May 30

We started our morning with new arrival centers and we exchanged our home reading. Your child brought home 3 books to read and return on Thursday. We practiced addition number problems and had to show our thinking by drawing pictures, using a ten frame, using a number line and writing an equation.  We started our plasticine ocean creatures. While some of our friends did clay creations, the other groups of children played math games and did free choice writing in our journals. We will be rotating over the next few days for everyone to have a chance to get their plasticine ocean creatures made. We are creating an ocean scene for the animals we have learned.  We played in the gym and had centers. Mrs. Mask's PM class had music.  Friday is NO school for Kindergarten. Our new Kindergarten children for next year will be visiting our class :) 

Friday May 27

 Today was a great day at school!  We had arrival centers and played cooperative games and puzzles. We read, " Wonder Walkers" and talked about our wonders. We talked about how we were going to go on a walk and share our wonders about nature. Ask your child what they wonder.  We went for a community walk and explored our community.  We saw many signs of spring on our walk.  We used magnifying glasses to look closely.  We used our sharpies to draw a picture about what we observed outside in nature and used watercolors to paint.  It was a beautiful day to be outside! Have a wonderful weekend. 

Thursday May 26

Today we continued to be poets and search for descriptive words to use for our ocean creature poems. We looked through books and talked about the ocean animals we have been studying. We talked about using "juicy" words to describe our creatures. We practiced writing our own ocean creature poem. Ask your child what animal they wrote about and have them describe it. AM kindergarten and Mrs. Mask's PM class had music. We had gym and played centers.  Tomorrow is PM Kindergarten. We will be going for a community walk so please dress for the weather. Please pack a "pocket snack" for your child so that they can carry this snack on the walk with them. Thank you. 

Wednesday May 25

Today we had arrival activities.  We read, " In The Sea" which features poems about ocean creatures. We looked at non fiction stories about sharks and looked at the pictures in the books to come up with describing words for a shark. We brainstormed all of our ideas and put them on a big chart paper and then created our own shark poems. Ask your child about what words they used to describe the sharks.  We practiced the game of bump. We are practicing counting on from the biggest number on the dice.  We had centers and Mr. Campbell's class had music. Friday is PM Kindergarten.  

New Song Alert

 Well not new to your adults....  Take a look at the song Celebration by Kool and the Gang. You can find it by clicking on the word Celebration below.  We will be learning it for the mural celebration coming up.   Happy listening! Celebration

Tuesday May 24

Today we exchanged home reading. Your child took home 2 books to read this week. Please return them on Thursday. We are looking at poetry in our class. We read the story, "Hello Ocean" and had to think of one word to describe the ocean. We made a list and talked about using descriptive words to speak about the ocean. We used our 5 senses to help us describe the ocean and created a class poem. We will be focusing on creating ocean creature poems over the next few weeks in class.  We played bump in math. It is a game that focuses on counting on from the biggest number using dice.  AM Kindergarten and Mrs. Mask's PM class had music. Mr. Campbell's class had gym. We practiced rhyming words and wrote our own on whiteboards.  We had centers.  Friday is PM kindergarten. 

Thursday May 19

Today was a great day at school!  We wrote in our personal journals.  We are very proud of how everyone is taking risks to sound out words they hear in their writing.  We saw many many pictures about our love for the Calgary Flames! AM Kindergarten and Mr. Campbells class had music with Ms. White.  Please ask your child what they did in music. Mrs. Mask's PM Kindergarten had gym.  We had snack and centers.  We continued to work on our ocean fact boxes and began to fill our boxes with all our fact cards.  We were excited to see how many ocean creatures we have learned about. Please remember there is no school tomorrow (PD Day) and Monday (Victoria Day).  We look forward to seeing everyone back at school on Tuesday.  We hope that everyone has an enjoyable long weekend and that the weather cooperates!